
We attended TeamCAD conference. How was it?

Aljosa Vukovic on October 31, 2018

TeamCAD, the main host

The conference was held by TeamCAD, which is a consulting company based in our capital, Belgrade. They deal with BIM consulting, Data-management, Process engineering, and Virtual reality. Since 2005, TeamCAD has been a leading Autodesk partner in Serbia with more than 850 clients.

In addition to selling software, TeamCAD’s specialty is implementing the latest Autodesk CAD, BIM, GIS, CAM, and document management technology solutions through continuous education and consulting. They also organize training for CAD courses and workshops according to Autodesk standards for legal entities (clients who buy Autodesk software) and organized groups or individuals.

TeamCAD conference

TeamCAD organizes Autodesk Certification Exam. Their lecturers are Autodesk software alpha/beta testers and certified Autodesk instructors (ACI) for the latest Autodesk software versions.

Autodesk accredits them for selling programs and packages from the following areas:

  • Solutions in Building, Civil Engineering, Process Engineering, and GIS (Architecture, Engineering, Construction). Software packages: Autodesk AutoCADAutodesk Revit, Advance Steel, Autodesk Robot, Autodesk Navisworks, AutoCAD Plant3D, AutoCAD Civil 3D …
  • Solutions in production engineering, CAM solutions, and Product Design & Manufacturing solutions. Software packages: Autodesk Inventor Professional, Invented In-CAD, Autodesk HSM, AutoCAD Mechanical, Autodesk Vault …
  • Multimedia and Entertainment Solutions (Media & Entertainment). Software packages: Autodesk 3ds max, Autodesk Maya, Arnold, Motion Builder …

Since TeamCAD is a leading Autodesk partner in Serbia for several years in a row, they organized a conference.  Idea was to gather up companies from our country that use Autodesk products. Those companies are their partners and clients that work in different design areas like high-rise construction, civil engineering, mechanical engineering, process engineering, monitoring of technical documentation, multimedia, and entertainment.


The conference was held on the 25th of October at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Belgrade. It gathered over 250 participants in various fields: high-rise construction, civil engineering, mechanical engineering, process engineering, monitoring of technical documentation, multimedia, and entertainment.

Photo by TeamCAD

In four conference halls, 30 presentations and workshops were held in parallel. The following companies were: Autodesk, Transoft Solutions, Hewlett Packard, GeoINOVA, Teximp, Agena Technology, ArchiJoy, Alfa-Plam, Clock Drive Games, DA DesignArchitecture, Fried, Geovision, Log Design, Mad Head Games, Mašinoprojekt KOPRING, NIS Scientific and Technological Center, Primer Studio, Prleks, Tigar Tires, Vertex Star and TeamCAD.

In a very high-quality and inspiring way, a variety of software solutions and user experiences were presented:

  • BIM – Autodesk Revit, Advance Steel, Autodesk Navisworks, Autodesk BIM360, ReCap
  • Process Engineering – AutoCAD Plant 3D, AutoCAD P & ID, CAD Studio PlantTools
  • Monitoring of technical documentation – Autodesk Vault
  • Parametric modeling and analysis in mechanical engineering – Autodesk Inventor Professional, Nastran In-CAD
  • Modeling, animation, and rendering – Autodesk 3ds Max, Autodesk Maya, V-Ray
  • BIM in infrastructure – Autodesk Civil 3D, Autodesk InfraWorks
  • Analysis of the motion of vehicles and turning simulation – AutoTURN
  • Parking design – ParkCAD

Autodesk, Chaos Group, Transoft Solutions demonstrated software solutions in front of conference halls at several stands with Hewlett Packard workstations. The use of the FARO 3D scanner was presented at Teximp’s stand. At the stand of GeoInova, the software solution TeleCAD-GIS was presented. Special attention was attracted to the presentation of VR technology at the stands of NIS NTC, DA DesignArchitecture, and TeamCAD.


Presentations were well prepared, and we are going to write about a few that were most interesting to us. Companies like dizajn Arhitektura dAMašinoprojekt KOPRING A.Dand NTC NIS-Naftagas really showed how BIM could be implemented and used for construction projects. And not just that, it shows how much time and resources a company can save by implementing BIM technology.

Nikola Rakic, an architect who presented his company Mašinoprojekt KOPRING A.Dshowed how they use new Autodesk technologies. They use Autodesk’s AutoCAD, Vault, Revit, 3DS Max, Navisworks and BIM360, and implement them all together.

Autodesk Vault was used for uploading projects, cross reference, and arranging files by their use. Also, Vault helps with controlling all documentation, backup files, and Pack & GO. It creates an archive of file structure and a complete set of files while retaining links to referenced files or isolates a group of files for design experimentation.

All of this makes project tracking easier since you have all files in one place and all file formats are compatible with each other.

Their next step was creating a 3D model using Revit. Same as Vault, it is good for keeping all drawings, documentation, and 3D model in one place. It covers both the architectural part of the project by optimizing building performance and creating stunning visualizations, and a structural part by creating intelligent structure models in coordination with other building components. Thanks to such a detailed and complex model, you have good documentation, precise plans, and a bill of materials.

Once they combined Navisworks and Revit, they had a full model. Navisworks lets architecture, engineering, and construction professionals review integrated models and data during preconstruction to better control project outcomes. It finds potential clash and interference problems before construction, minimizing expensive delays, rework, and with certain plug-ins, it has 4D time simulation, photorealistic rendering, and PDF-like publishing.

A little bit more about BIM

BIM (Building Information Modeling) is much more than just 3D modeling. It serves as a common source of information by forming a reliable and fast decision-making base within the object’s lifecycle, from idea to demolition of the building. These are the dimensions of BIM and their explanation:

  • 3D – MODELING | The digital representation of the design or existing condition. Model elements and data used during the design and documentation phase.
  • 4D – TIME | Linking model elements, assemblies, and data to a timeline to represent construction sequencing and schedule.
  • 5D – COST | By linking model elements and assemblies along with schedule (4D) to establish costs and quantities.
  • 6D – PERFORMANCE | Evaluating the proposed design for building performance. Measure and validate estimated energy modeling against actual performance.
  • 7D – FM & M | Using the BIM to maintain and manage the assets. Linking model attributes and data to support facilities management and operation.
  • 8D – DECOMMISSIONING | The decommissioning, demolition, or deconstruction and recycling of a building or structure.


Mašinoprojekt KOPRING and other companies at this conference demonstrated how to use BIM and its advantages on several of their projects. In short, these were the steps:

  • Vault & AutoCAD – Uploading files, forming files, cross reference, control of documentation, backup files, pack & go, compatibility of all files
  • Revit – 3D model (architecture and structural), documentation, bill of quantities
  • Navisworks – HVAC, MEP, clash detection

You can clearly see how using and combing these software packages can help companies with large-scale projects. All of the information is in one place and thanks to cloud services, it is updated regularly. That means less room for error and lower costs.

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